Who We Are

Who We Are

Bailey’s Local Foods is owned by Rachael Ward and Maryrose Ivanco. They both started out as Bailey’s members who believed strongly in supporting local suppliers, high-quality food and community.

Rachael is a mother of three children, a respected home schooler and La Leche League Leader. Her strong community connections and communication skills have been key to the growth of Bailey’s.

Maryrose, a mother of two children and a successful crafter with a business education. She provides Bailey’s with its operational structure.

Andrew Ward is the web guru behind the original Bailey’s online ordering system. Being able to place online orders efficiently is what gives our members easy access to so much choice! He is working with us to customize reports from our new shop on the Open Food Network (effective May 2020).

Bailey’s Local Foods was founded by Nina Bailey-Dick and her father Wendell Bailey. This operation started as a family business. Nina as the organizer, and Wendell as her right-hand man. Nina sold her share in November 2010, and Wendell stayed involved in regular Bailey’s operations until his passing in 2012.